"Impactful, hilarious... Dr. Susan Block's Bonobo Way just may hold the key to world peace."
Steve Karras, Huffington-Post
"First things first: this book is really good... The Bonobo Way is a very unusual book: whimsical yet serious, easy to read yet thoroughly researched, challenging yet ultimately deeply comforting. Dr. Susan Block is living proof that bonobos aren’t just sexy and fun—some of them are damned smart, too."
Christopher Ryan, Ph.D., best-selling author of Sex at Dawn
“Bravo to Dr. Block for paving the way for a hopefully more bonobo future. The Bonobo Way is a playful but insightful glimpse into our own sexuality and what we can learn from our closest, perhaps superior, relatives.”
Vanessa Woods, best-selling author of Bonobo Handshake
"Brilliant. A great book about human sexuality and how reverting to an evolutionary path can divest the human race from its aggression and violence."
Sherry Rehman, former Pakistani Ambassador to the U.S.
“Awesome book... Excellently written and transformative... Important for relationships and humanity.”
Dorion Sagan, author of Death and Sex
"The Bonobo Way is marvelous--a happy book for a happy life and a happier world."
Xaviera Hollander, best-selling author of The Happy Hooker
"The Bonobo Way is a pleasure on all counts: the style is fun, humorous, at times satirical with a touch of the surreal...The book's philosophy is meaningful, persuasive, and especially significant at this time in the evolution of our species, when we are in desperate need of new paradigms to shift toward more inclusive, fluid, and sustainable practices of love. Thanks Dr. Suzy!" READ MORE
Serena Anderlini-D'Onofrio, Ph.D., best-selling author of GAIA & the New Politics of Love
"Dr Susan Block challenges and entices us to emulate our cousins the bonobos, with touching, affection and intimacy in the context of a culture under gentle female hegemony... with great bonobo pix and Dr Susan’s inimitable style."
Josh Mitteldorf, Ph.D., theoretical biologist and co-author of the forthcoming Cracking the Aging Code
“The delight and fascination of Block’s lifelong love affair with the bonobo leaps from the pages of The Bonobo Way."
Lisa Barrow, The Alibi
"Amazing! Super impressive. Dr. Block is an eco-sex visionary. The Bonobo Way is a fun-packed, clever, super creative, unique book. What a brilliant concept--to look to the non-humans for answers to our human problems, and show us the way to the future. "
Annie Sprinkle, Ph.D., author of Annie Sprinkle: Post-Porn Modernist
"I just finished reading The Bonobo Way. I love, love, love it. It is a fresh way to look at sexuality. The writing is light, informative and accurate. I made the mistake of starting to read it on Tuesday and now it's Thursday and I haven't been able to do anything else. I really appreciate how it uses the science without getting too 'scientific.' I also like these '12 steps'--they're certainly a big departure from all others!"
Darrel Ray, Ed.D., author of The God Virus & Sex and God
“The Bonobo Way is a delightful, insightful look at how our closest genetic cousins embrace all aspects of sexual pleasure, showing us how masturbation, bisexuality, gender equality, sexual diversity and all other forms of sexual expression are not only natural, but vital to keeping the peace. Like we said back in the sixties, "Make love, not war!"
Betty Dodson, Ph.D., best-selling author of Sex for One & feminist icon
“Dr. Suzy educates, entertains and lectures us humans in a narrative that is personal, easy to read and captivating. Her prose gently asks that we examine our attitudes about sex through her observations such as we encounter early in her book: “... they were engaging in sex for recreation and interpersonal communication, very much like humans, but without the pretense, hypocrisy and shame.” She goes on to tell us of the amazing Bonobos, of which very few of us likely even know of their existence, let alone of their culture. Her 12 Steps to Releasing Your Inner Bonobo are a guide to a new understanding of how to enhance our personal sexual life and intimate relationships. Prior to reading her book I was of the opinion that I was fairly knowledgeable about human sexuality. Dr. Suzy’s knowledge and ability to teach, as seen in this book, taught me that I was mistaken. I learned – and enjoyed it in the process.”
Robert L. McGinley, Ph.D., President of The Lifestyles Organization
"The Bonobo Way is a phenomenal book. I learned a lot. I'm glad there’s a creature on this Earth that’s hornier and hairier than me.”
Ron Jeremy, actor, icon and author of Ron Jeremy: The Hardest (Working) Man in Show Biz
"The Bonobo Way, by Dr. Susan Block is, among other things, deeply thought-provoking and I do not use that phrase in the hackneyed sense, but to describe a far more recondite process. Harold Bloom calls it a difficult pleasure, or the reader’s sublime, and it involves the way in which certain books can give us strong temporary insights into the great mysteries that populate our lives and the world…. One of the most charming things about this book is the voice, which is at once highly intellectual, very breezy, definitely flirtatious, profoundly sexual, consistently cheerful, and exacting in its word choice and fact dissemination. If this is not the definition of a perfect date, I do not know what is. And in this case, your date is mashing her body up against the glass case at the San Diego Zoo, because that is what the bonobo female on the other side is doing. If this does not charm you, then you will not long be a virgin."
Gerald Weaver, author of Gospel Prism
"As the 21st century begins, with more violence and war than began what became the ultra-violent 20th century, Dr. Susan Block's latest book is a welcome tonic. She illuminates a primeval, peace-sustaining, complex community--that of the bonobos--with lessons for humans that transcend the sexual. Only humans can, however, protect the bonobos from the threat of extinction they face in their Congo habitat, and Dr. Block demonstrates that such protection is essential as study of, and learning from, the Bonobo Way continues."
Barry A. Fisher, Lead Counsel in U.S. Supreme Court Cases
“Entertaining and astute, The Bonobo Way brims with humor, personality, and great advice."
Polly Whittaker, author of Polly: Sex Culture Revolutionary
"Outstanding Dr. Suzy! This is a Planet of the Apes well worth considering."
Howie Gordon, a.k.a. Richard Pacheco, author of Hindsight
"I adore this inspired and entertaining guide to shame-free erotic liberation. It is so needed, so well-written and so completely unique. Dr. Susan Block has combined her passions for endangered bonobo culture and liberated human sexuality in this fascinating, inspiring guide to shame-free erotic liberation. Brava Dr. Suzy!"
Barbara Carrellas, author of Urban Tantra: Sacred Sex for the Twenty-first Century
"I LOVE The Bonobo Way. An awesome, very well-written book about the evolution of peace through pleasure. I highly recommend the book and this way of life!! I reference it many times in my work and in my seminars. Thanks Dr Suzy for all you do in helping to enlighten humanity. I absolutely adore you."
Shelley Hiestand, Ph.D., co-author of Electrical Nutrition
“With her trademark wit, wisdom and saucy irreverence, Dr. Susan Block explores the animal passions of the bonobo apes and finds insights into our own sexuality through an understanding of our most sensual relatives. The bonobos use sex and erotic play as the currency of their realm for everything from social bonding to conflict resolution. By examining these gentle and intelligent creatures, Dr. Suzy lays bare the primate passions common to both our species, and discovers the primal role sex and sensuality play in social cohesion, peaceful coexistence, gender equality and even environmental preservation. Think of it as Jane Goodall After Dark. A fun and fascinating read.”
Thomas Quinn, Discovery Channel writer/producer and author of What Do You Do With a Chocolate Jesus?
“This is a sexual revolution that needs to spread throughout the world! The Bonobo Way will save our planet! Dr. Susan should have her own network TV show. She is the smartest and most inspiring woman I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Her insight on sexuality is not only incredible, insightful, thought-provoking, and sex-positive...it is also the sexual revolution, easily mapped out, that we have been waiting for. Everything you need in order to have a healthy, fun, sexuality is in this book. Whether you're in a monogamous relationship, a swinger, going solo, asexual, pansexual, all-sexual...Dr. Suzy has you covered! It order for our society to heal from all this war, anger, hatred, shame, and even environmental destruction, we must find our inner bonobo. We share 98.7% of our DNA with bonobos. They are a species of ape who resolve all conflicts with sex which is exactly what human animals need to be doing! Good sex could end so much suffering and this book was an amazing and inspiring read as someone who strives for global sex-positivity and a sexual revolution to heal our ailing planet. I love Dr. Suzy so much and we can all learn a lot about ourselves by this amazing woman who has dedicated her life to spreading sexual awareness, knowledge, and being the Queen of Coitus.”
Tracy Vanity, Double Plus Good blogger
“Block provides us with a fascinating take on the world of a unique type of ape, the bonobo, whose lives are full of vigorous, lusty, hedonistic sex, and blissfully free of violence and war. She writes in a style that is light on its feet, funny and engaging, allowing her to give us a considerable amount of valuable science and information in a way that makes it effortless to take in. She also provides us with a great deal of practical insight into how we can bring the bonobos’ guilt-free enjoyment of sexual pleasure into our own psyches and relationships. We have a lot to learn from our bonobo brothers and sisters, and this is a great place to discover just what that is.”
Jason Martin, author of Voluptua: a novel
“The Bonobo Way is a wonderful, witty and engaging read that takes an holistic approach to human sexuality. The book brings Block's belief in the potential lessons of bonobo harmony and freedom with her broad knowledge of sexuality. She recognizes that sex is much more than how body parts fit together, and her suggestions here for improving one's sex life include practicing meditation, visualization, working with memory, eating well, and living well. Block has created her own Bonoboville based on principles of ethical hedonism, which she shares with her readers and listeners, and her imaginative new work encourages us to do the same... I loved the book and will be recommending it.”
Katherine Frank, Ph.D., author of Plays Well in Groups
"Susan Block has brilliantly presented just what we can learn in a way that is first-hand and scientific, yet far from stuffy. Indeed, The Bonobo Way is a rambunctious, shrewd, serious, yet humorous look at Bonobo society; comparing its successful egalitarian intimacy with so many standard human missteps. Block also provides extensive info on how we can help protect Bonobo habitat; and, a pleasurable 12 Steps to ways we can adopt a more Bonoboesque cultural understanding and social scheme --- how we Clever Apes can move towards a more peaceful, life-affirming society by following our cousins’ lead and switching dance partners from Thanatos and matrimonial lawyers to Eros and Gaia.”
Michael Donnelly, award-winning environmentalist, Counterpunch essayist & Silverback of the Monkey Clan
“The Bonobo Way is a great and timely book that has provided an invaluable survey of the science of the bonobo, the most peaceful, loving primate on this planet in contrast to the human primate, which is the most violent, destructive primate on this planet. Infanticide and warfare are absent in the bonobo culture but prominent in human primate cultures. Sexual pluralism and high maternal-infant/child boding are the keys to preventing individual and cultural violence. Violent human primate cultures are predominately sexual monogamous that control women and are punitive to children. Building on the Bonobo Way, Dr. Susan Block provides a way to human harmony, peace and egalitarian relationships. All those interested in human happiness should read this book."
James W. Prescott, Ph.D., neuropsychologist and author of Body Pleasure and the Origins of Violence
“I love every page of The Bonobo Way. The book is a real page turner and turn on. Susan Block’s vivid descriptions of bonobo sex and peaceful living through mutual sexual gratification should be mandatory reading for everyone struggling to maintain joy in their lives and live life to its fullest.”
Christian Bruyère, award-winning TV producer of Champions of the Wild
"The Bonobo Way is heaven sent. The experience and insight of Dr. Susan Block and her understanding of human sexuality and the pleasure-seeking and sharing bonobo apes may surprise you and turn any preconceived expectations and judgments about bonobos and humans upside down and inside out." READ MORE
Gabriel Constans, author of The Penis Dialogues
"The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace Through Pleasure is not only a deeply researched discourse about the matriarchal culture of bonobo apes and their anomalous way of life that diffuses violence with sex, but it also wisely suggests we could learn a lot from these “kissing cousins” and apply it positively to human life and society."
Paula Tiberius, Sexpert.com
“I want to thank Dr. Susan Block for writing this book. The Bonobo Way makes so many points that I have been speaking to for years as well as many which are new to me. And I am elated that Dr. Suzy, as she is affectionately known, has taken this step, not only on behalf of bonobos and not only on behalf of sexual self-determination, but also as a bold departure from the scientific and cultural taboos which tell us we humans cannot learn culture from animals. We can and we should learn from any species which does it better than we do! Dr. Suzy succeeds in dispensing scientific information and crucial insights into both animal and human culture with a sense of humor which is as surprising as it is endearing. If you never heard of a bonobo, you want to read this book. And if you don't care about bonobos, you need to read this book. Let Dr. Suzy show you how sex can pave the road to peace and make humans smarter in the process.” READ MORE
Veronica Monet, ACS, author of Sex Secrets of Escorts
"The Bonobo Way is a refreshing must-read for our times, engaging, titillating, smart and punny to the max. Dr. Susan Block pushes the envelope and brings us into the truth about bonobos and ourselves~ with wit, intelligence, and sexual positivity all balancing on a fulcrum of fascinating hard science."
Patti Britton, Ph.D., author of The Art of Sex Coaching
"Fantastic work! Such a pleasure to read!... It’s very difficult for me to write about this book, because I want to share every single detail. There is not one sentence I disagree with. I could have written it myself, as it shares all my unconventional, sex-positive sentiments, except I didn’t – Dr. Suzy did, and you need to heed this good Doctor’s advice! She writes in an extremely engaging, reassuring style... offering very sound and practical advice for men, women and transgender people for how to expand their sexual horizons and replace the fear with love."."
Kendra Holliday, blogger The Beautiful Kind
“It works.”
Max, Dr. Block’s husband